The Famous Red Sea Crossing

Nicolas Notovitch, a Russian man, set out to study the customs and inhabitants of India amid their own surroundings, as well as the majestic spendor of the nature of the country. Little did he know what he would learn.

In a nutshell, after the close of the Turko-Russian War (1877-1878) Nicolas Notovitch took a tour through the Orient. While visiting a Buddhist convent, he learned from the chief Lama that there existed very ancient memoirs in the archives of Lassa (Lhasa) Tibet. These precious chronicles reveal the life of Christ, Moses, and the nations of the Occident.

This is a brief account of Moses' famous crossing of the Red Sea as described in the ancient manuscripts.

1. The people of Israel, who inhabited a most fertile land, yielding two crops a year, and who possessed immense flocks, excited the wrath of God through their sins.

2. And He (God) inflicted upon them a terrible punishment by taking away their land, their flocks, and all they possessed; and Israel was reduced to slavery by rich and powerful Pharoahs who then reigned in Egypt.

3. The latter treated the Israelites more cruelly than animals, loading them with the roughest labor; they covered their bodies with bruises and wounds, and denied them food and water.

6. An illustrious Pharoach then reigned in Eygpt, who had become celebrated for this numerous victories, the great riches, he had amassed, and the vast palaces which his slaves had erected with their own hands.

7. This Pharoah had two sons, the young of whom was called Mossa; and the learned Israelites taught him diverse sciences.

8. And Mossa was beloved throughout the land of Egypt for his goodness and the compassion he displayed for them that suffered (the Israelites)

10. Mossa believed in their (Israelites) indivisible God, who did not allow their flagging strength to falter.

11. And the Israelite preceptors encouraged Mossa's ardor and had recourse to him, begging him to intercede with Pharoah, his father of his co-religionists.

12. Prince Mossa pleaded with his father to soften the lot of these unhappy people, but Pharoah became angry with him and only imposed more hardships upon his slaves.

13. It came to pass, not long after, that a great calamity fell upon Egypt; the plague decimated the young and old, the strong and the sick; and Pharoah believed he had incurred the wrath of his own gods against him;

14. But the prince Mossa declared to his father that it was the God of his slaves who was interfering in favor of his unhappy people and punishing the Egyptians;

15. Pharoah commanded Mossa, his son, to gather all the slaves of Jewish race, to lead them away to a great distance from the capital and found another city, where he should remain with them.

16. Mossa announced to the Hebrew slaves that he had delivered them in the name of their God, the God of Israel; and he went with them out of the land of Egypt.

17. He therefore led them into the land they had lost through their many sins; he gave them laws and enjoined them to always pray to the invisible Creator whose goodness is infinite.


Here's the interpretation:

The Buddhists flatly contradict the accepted legend that Mossa (Moses) was an Israelite. Prince of Egypt and son of a Pharoah he was well educated. Now why did he join the Israelites? His elder brother barred him from the Egyptian throne. The Israelites accepted Moses and Moses like them for their firmness in their belief and their bodily strength. The Israelites of Egypt did not resemble their descendents physically.

The pests, smallpox, or cholera must have wrought terrible ravages through the dense community in the city. Hygiene was rudimentary. Moses, an intelligent person, worked on the fears of his father (Pharoah) and declared that the disease that was wreaking havoc in the city was due to the intervention of the God of Israel in favor of his chosen people. Moses wanted to free his friends (Israelites) from bondage and have them pass under his own power.

According to the Buddhists, Moses led the Israelites beyond the city walls of the city but did not build another city elsewhere as he was commanded to do by his father but rather took them out of the Egyptian territory. The Pharoah was very upset over Moses' disregard of his orders and pursued the fugitives at the head of his soldiers.

Moses traveled along the mountains and entered Arabia by way of the isthumus which is now missing (cut out by the Suez Canal.) Pharoah, on the other hand, "led his troops in a more direct line in the direction of the Red Sea; then, to overtake the Israelites who had already gained the opposite shore, he boldly took advantage of the ebb of the sea in the gulf formed by the banks of the isthumus, and made his soldiers march through the shallow passage. But the distance across being much longer than he had anticipated, the flood-tide
caught the Egyptian army in the very middle of the sea and not one of them could escape death."

This simple fact has been transformed into a religious legend in succeeding centuries by the Israelites, "who interpreted the incident as due to divine intervention in their favor and as a just punishment from the hands of God on their persecutors."

Now you know another side of the story from an ancient manuscript housed in a monastery in Tibet - an account that is NOT in the present day Bible.

The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, by Nicolas Notovitch


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