The Lost 18 Years of Jesus' Life Revealed


Here is a brief summary of the author's interpretation of some of the excerpts I posted:

The family of Joseph heard of Herod's terrible execution of newborns and fled to Egypt. Some time later, the family returned to their native land. Then as now, the Oriental Israelites commenced to instruct their children at the age of five or six years. The child had grown during these journeys and his life had been exposed more than once.

Forced to remain in concealment, the parents never allowed their son to leave the house, and the son no doubt spent his time studying the sacred writings, so when he return to Judea, he was far advanced than the boys of his own age, which astonished the learned men.

He was now thirteen-years-old, which, according to Jewish law, "a young man attains his majority and has the right to marry, as well as fulfill his religious duties on an equal footing with adults."

The most noble and rich sought him as a son-in-law. "But the studious youth, seemingly detached from all things corporal and devoured by a thirst for knowledge, stealithly left his father's house and fled to India with a departing caravan."

Jesus Christ chose India, first, probably because Egypt was made part of the Roman possessions at that period, and an active trade with India had spread majestic character and vast riches of art and science.

Here is where the orthodox again lose the thread of the terrestrial life of Jesus. According to St. Luke: "He was in the desert till the day of his shewing unto Israel." This proves they did not know where the young man had gone.

Once in India, Jesus frequented the temples of the Djainites, which in the late 1800s, there still exists in the peninsula of Hindustan a sect that bears the name of Djainism -- which forms a link between Buddhism and Brahmanism and preaches the destruction of all other beliefs.

Jesus spent 6 years in Juggernaut, studying the language of the country and the Sanskrit tongue, which enabled him to "dive deeply into all religious doctrines, philosophy, medicine, and mathematics." He found much to condemn in Brahman laws and customs and he even entered into public debates with the Brahmans.

Jesus began to preach to the Soudas (the lowest caste of slaves) saying that God is one, etc.etc....and that the Brahmans had obscured the great principle of monothesim and perverting the words of Brahma himself...

Jesus spent six years among the Buddhists, where he found the principle of monothesim still in its purity. At 26, he decided to return to his native country. Enroute, he preached against idolatory, human sacrifices, religious errors, etc.etc...

While crossing Persia, he almost started an uprising among the followers of Zoroaster. But fearing the vengeance of the people, the priests elected not to assassinate him but drive him out of town, hoping he would be killed by wild beast. But Jesus escaped this peril and journeyed safely to Israel.

The new preacher's fame spread rapidly through the country, and Jerusalem impatiently awaited his return. When he neared the city, the people went out to meet him and conducted him triumphantly to the temple, which is all in conformity with Christian tradition.

The chiefs and learned men listened and admired Jesus' sermons. But Pilate did not see the matter in the same light...

The rest is history with the following exception:

Pilate, upon seeing Jesus tomb "becoming a shrine of universal lamentations and the object of natural mourning, and fearing that the memory of this just man might excite discontent and perhaps arouse the entire population against their foreign yoke," stationed soldiers on guard at the tomb. These soldiers were jeered and scorned by the people, who came in throngs to adore the great martyr. Pilate therefore ordered his soldiers to remove Jesus' body during the night when the pilgrimages had ceased and buried it elsewhere, leaving the first tomb open and unguarded to show the people that Jesus had just disappeared.

Source: "The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" by Nicolas Notovitch

The account above agrees with the theory that Pilate wanted Jesus' followers to THINK he had resurrected because he feared the people would start an uprising against the Romans.

Still there is yet another account of Jesus' burial and resurrection in the
Dead Sea Scrolls. According to the ancient documents, Jesus had the option of poison or crucifixion; He chose crucifixion. But while dyeing on the cross, the pain was so unbearable he finally asked for the poison. When he said, "I have thirst," THAT was the key phrase to the Roman soldiers to give him the poison.

A poisoned sponge was lifted up to Jesus' lips for him to drink. But the narcotic didn't kill Jesus; instead, it only rendered him unconscious. When his followers took him off the cross and carried him to his tomb, they realized he was NOT dead. Later that night, they came back to the tomb and got him. His miraculous appearance to his disciples days later was NOT a miraculous return from the dead. Unbeknownst to his disciples, Jesus was really physically ALIVE. I can only imagine the looks on their faces! And of course Jesus never told them what really happened. How could he? So he said what he had to say, said goodbye to everyone, and then left.

So this may help explain the myths that Jesus survived his crucifixion and then left Israel to continue his work elsewhere in the world.


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