A sieve represents the letters "Kh." It is drawn as a circle with three crosshatches inside it. Remember this.

In 1837, Samuel Birch, a hieroglyphics expert at the British Museum in London wrote (please read this):

What Samuel Birch (and others) had discovered was that the inscriptions were NOT hieroglyphic but written in a semi-hieractic (linear) hieroglyphic characters (script) which was a form of shorthand that did not appear until the beginning of the Middle Kingdom (2000 BC.)

Additionally, Birch identified two royal names: Saufou or Shoufou (Suphis) and Khoufou (Cheops) and Senekhuf or SENeshoufou (that included the ram symbol of the God Khnum.)

Two different names identifying the same Pharaoh? And, as Birch explains, the presence of the Pharaoh's name "as a quarry mark in the Great Pyramid is an additional embarrassment."

Were these two people co-regents? Did they reign together?

These observations raise many RED flags.

Please continue. It gets more interesting.